Training Session-1“The importance of bio-economic modelling for building resilient agricultural systems” – Egypt SupMed project

 12, 13 and 14 of December, 2021- Aswan University, Egypte

The objectives of this seminar/workshop will be threefold. Firstly, to introduce the bio-economic modeling methodology in a greater audience. Secondly, to inform about the use of bio-economic models as a powerful tool for stakeholders decision-making, by taking into account a big amount of technical, agronomic and economic data. And lastly, to train the participants in farm-level bio-economic models for decision-making in complex issues, such as tradeoffs between competing issues (economic, agronomic, and environmental) or deciding between different conservation policies.

This session is targeted to all academics, researchers, young researchers, and Ph.D. students of the University of Aswan.


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