Steering committee
Contracting Authority
The contracting authority is led by the CIHEAM IAMM coordinator of the SupMed project.
A steering committee will meet in Lebanon or/and in Egypt every semester.
It will be chaired by the CIHEAM IAMM with the following Egyptian and Lebanese public and private institutions:
- in Lebanon : the Green Plan (Ministery of Agriculture) and the Private Centre of Hermel
- in Egypt ; EACDP (Executive Agency for the Comprehensive Development Projects, Ministry of Agriculture) and the NGO EASD ((Egyptian Association for Sustainable Development) of Luxor.
Operational management
The local project management will be entrusted to the Private Agricultural Centre of Hermel in Lebanon, and to the NGO EASD in Egypt.
The main mission of the project management support is to work with the farmers representatives to implement the adaptation strategies on the field and their monitoring.
For this, each of the project management supports will rely on a Support Committee composed of scientific representatives from the Lebanese University Faculty of Agronomy (Rural Economy Departement) in Lebanon and from Cairo University in Egypt (Center for Rural Development Researches and Studies, CRDRS) ; the Union of Cooperatives of Hermel, the Union of Municipalities of Baalbeck-Hermel, the Private Agricultural Centre of Hermel (Lebanon) and the Regional Departement of Agriculture and the Agricultural Centre of Luxor in Egypt.