SupMed Egypte: Steering committee meeting Luxor – 23th to 25th of May, 2023
The SupMed 2023 steering committee meeting took place in Luxor, Egypt, in the presence of Mr. Thibault Nancy, representative of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty and the FFEM, the project’s funder, and brought together the main Egyptian and Lebanese institutional partners.
The meeting was devoted to a presentation of the project’s achievements by the local teams since the previous COPIL, in particular the preparation for the installation of demonstration plots, monitoring tools and the commissioning of collective investments. Emphasis was placed on actions to be taken to disseminate the project’s results to political decision-makers, with a view to integrating agroecological practices into future climate change adaptation strategies.
The 1st day was devoted to field visits and meetings with SupMed Charter farmers and women’s cooperatives. The other two days were devoted to presentations of the teams’ work and planning activities for the next 18 months.
Day 1 (23th May, 2023) – Field Visit organized by the Egyptian Association of Sustainable Development (EASD, a key SupMed project Egyptian partner).
Day 2 (24 May, 2023) – SupMed programme progress including description of main results and next steps
Day 3- SupMed project: Next steps and timetable